Tuesday, November 23, 2010

So... What do you do? (Part 2)

In this part of the series, I will show the wonders of the SPEED BAG!!!!

Something so simple, is truly a pain in the a** to do to be honest. My trainer Ivan tells me each time I have to do it:"Alright, time for your nightmare"

That should tell you something. In all honesty I was absolutely horrible with this part of the training.
Thanks my buddy Joe Imhoff, it was all recorded for you guys to laugh! Soon to be future DVD!!

Now, I'm much better at it! Speed and coordination much improved since I started in September with it.

But what's the speedbag for anyway?

It is used to enhance hand-eye coordination, rhythm and timing of a person's punch. Also, the main thing I've noticed, it helps keep you punching faster and faster while your arms are heavy from an intense workout.

For those who dont know what a speedbag looks like:

If you guys ever wanted to try it and look mighty cool at doing it, I'm going to teach you guys in 4 easy steps!
The same way it was taught to me!

Very meanly... INTIMIDATE THE BAG!!!

Punch it in the same form as Rocky is in the picture.
No need for speed at this point, just you make sure you hit it and it doesn't spin around in circles.

Listen/Watch for the bag to hit the top part where its hanging from 3 times!

  - It's going backward....... BAM! First Hit
  - It's going forward......... BAM!!! Second Hit
  - It's going backward....... BAM!!!! Third Hit

With the third hit, Get ready to punch it again.
PUNCH!!! Repeat All the steps.

Continue through this motion slowly till you get used to.

Once you got a nice rhythm, go faster and faster!!

TADAH!!!! you're done!!

Practice makes perfect.

Check me out:

I still have my moments where i stutter and its not completely smooth! But im getting there.
Each time I get better and better.

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