Wednesday, November 3, 2010

1st Ever Post

Hello everybody,

This is my first blog entry on the goal of fighting in a real boxing fight. Something I have thought and talked about for a few years, now its time to actually do it. Im set to fight in March of 2011 in the Chicago Golden Gloves Tourney... From what I saw in 2010 event, I believe I can do well! Probably wont have my face look like ground beef after the fight!

With the aid of the Jabb Boxing Trainer - Ivan Popoca, and the support of my friends and my family; Im on pace to succeed and accomplish the goal.

This blog is simple. Im going to share my experiences, the trials, and successes throughout these next few months.

Topics such as weight concerns, the issues of physical exhaustion from the workouts, learning the strategies and timing of fighting, scheduling and whatever comes up throughout the entire journey.

Of course, we cant forget... the bloopers!
There are many and most likely a lot more will happen.

With lots of help from my friends and family I will be able to accomplish this goal and Hopefully win!!!

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