Sunday, November 28, 2010

All work and no play make people go crazy

During an intense research of the notorious latino monster called the CHUPACABRA the other day!
We encountered a video done by Mr. T, and a supplemental report done by CNN as icing on the cake to validate the TRUTH!!! of the chupacabra.

Listen carefully

Mr. T sang beautifully...

If by some crazy chance you dont believe that he isn't speaking the truth, well CNN can help you out:

That sealed it right there! Don't believe the educated man who studies animal life for a living, believe the lady who has a whole massive wall of animal heads as tropies... and dont forget she has the dead animal's head in the freezer of her house....

When im done boxing, I should take on the journey and be a chupacabra hunter....
That could be a lucrative career... dont you think?

I can't be all serious, all the time! Then it wouldn't be me!


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Keep your Hands up

Throughout my training, I'm told "Keep your hands up!!"
After every punch, after every move, hit, or dodge...



Let me show you:
Example 1:
Manny Pacquiao Vs Ricky Hatton
Ricky Hatton tends to drop his hands...
and look what happened

Not pretty at all....
Easy target when your face is exposed at all times...

Example #2
Vonda Ward vs Ann wolfe:

Just because you're taller than your opponent, doesn't mean you can drop your hands to chest level...
Hands go down, and you can receive a clean crazy hay-maker punch straight to the face instead of cushioning the blow your gloves... and be knocked out.


Example #3:
Paul Williams vs Sergio Martinez II

When Mr. Williams throws hook shots.... he tends to drop his hands while doing so.

You can tell he was gone as soon as that punch hit.

Lesson is:

No need to be flashy and be cocky.... and get hit nasty style like these folks.

Stick to the basics, defend yourself properly and that improves your chances of winning.
Make yourself hard to hit my trainer says, and make em pay for their mistakes... LIKE all the winners of these fights!

So... What do you do? (Part 2)

In this part of the series, I will show the wonders of the SPEED BAG!!!!

Something so simple, is truly a pain in the a** to do to be honest. My trainer Ivan tells me each time I have to do it:"Alright, time for your nightmare"

That should tell you something. In all honesty I was absolutely horrible with this part of the training.
Thanks my buddy Joe Imhoff, it was all recorded for you guys to laugh! Soon to be future DVD!!

Now, I'm much better at it! Speed and coordination much improved since I started in September with it.

But what's the speedbag for anyway?

It is used to enhance hand-eye coordination, rhythm and timing of a person's punch. Also, the main thing I've noticed, it helps keep you punching faster and faster while your arms are heavy from an intense workout.

For those who dont know what a speedbag looks like:

If you guys ever wanted to try it and look mighty cool at doing it, I'm going to teach you guys in 4 easy steps!
The same way it was taught to me!

Very meanly... INTIMIDATE THE BAG!!!

Punch it in the same form as Rocky is in the picture.
No need for speed at this point, just you make sure you hit it and it doesn't spin around in circles.

Listen/Watch for the bag to hit the top part where its hanging from 3 times!

  - It's going backward....... BAM! First Hit
  - It's going forward......... BAM!!! Second Hit
  - It's going backward....... BAM!!!! Third Hit

With the third hit, Get ready to punch it again.
PUNCH!!! Repeat All the steps.

Continue through this motion slowly till you get used to.

Once you got a nice rhythm, go faster and faster!!

TADAH!!!! you're done!!

Practice makes perfect.

Check me out:

I still have my moments where i stutter and its not completely smooth! But im getting there.
Each time I get better and better.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

So... What do you do? (Part 1)

The magical question that people have for me time and time again.

"WHAT DO YOU DO? Um... I mean... What's the training?"

Involves a lot details and madness, people usually have the confused or the  No F****** Way look.

So now begins a series of blog entries that is dedicated to the details of 'what do i do', what is my preparation, what is my mind set, including some videos and EVEN A MUSICAL MONTAGE!!!
Because seeing people workout, should always be made in a musical montage format! It must be a law in some state in the U.S.
Music to exercise is like Bacon to every food product in the planet. Its a perfect match in heaven.

For this entry!

The Magic of Shadow Boxing.
Who knew that hitting air for an extended period in time would be sooooooooo tiring and SOOOOO effective!

It helps with form, speed, and endurance. Most important thing is to imagine your fighting...
Picture your opponent, get so into it that you will forget that you are shadow boxing... you believe you are boxing. Of course, you believe you are belting that poor soul with a flurry of punches that he cant stop!!! Manny pacquiao style.

Seems crazy and ambitious... but you need a little madness and confidence when your willing to fight.

For 20 minutes I shadow box either at the gym or at my apartment. You dont need much space, you just need enough room to punc, stand, and spin around.

Then begin:

These flurry of punches will go on for another 20-30 minutes or so. This begins the warm up process, helps shed the pounds real quick too.

Shadow boxing with my trainer is a little different. He uses a towel to get me to dodge and he uses a huge tire to make sure my feet are set and my form is ok.

 (yes they are old pictures, I have a fro in them... they still count)

This is very very very important to the success of a boxer. Classic and simple way to train.

all pics by:

Monday, November 15, 2010

For those who dont know...

The fro is gone!!!!

The transformation!!!!

Scary isnt it?

Thanks to my buddy JJ for the silly animation.

Here you go Kev, the extra thing I hadn't mentioned before! LOL!

Speed in Boxing... Destroys Opponents

For those of you who saw the Manny Pacquiao fight on saturday, noticed something...
And excellent fighting strategy that will work in any fight. Even better than having a massive amount of power behind each punch...

Its called Speed:

For example, take a look at Margarito's face:

Antonio Margarito, a fighter with amazing power (with or without the plaster in his handwraps), but he lacked the speed to go against a blazing fast opponent in Pacquiao...
He payed the price....
He lost every single round of the fight, for every 5 punches landed by pacquiao, Margarito tried to land 1...
It was never an even matchup at any point.

Pacquiao was at a disadvantage with weight:

Pacquiao at 148 and Margarito at 165..
Still didnt matter, because the man got destroyed.

But, this idea that speed really does damage really was made famous in the heavyweight division.
The normally big slow fighters... (which is current class of heavyweight contenders) was put to the test with the very fast Mike Tyson.

Take a look at a 200+ plus fighter:

and once again.

Not bad for a big guy.
When you can hit from all angles, accurately and quickly... its devastating in any weight.

Speed is the key to success,

And that is my goal.

To be really really fast. Im working on it. Will continue to work on it.
Hopefully that could lead to a victory for me.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Shout out to Kevin Doss!

He is my first follower!!


You get a high five:

I was thinking of Fancy Boxing gloves

I need something flashy and intimidating...

Maybe some gloves with Skulls on em?

With puerto rican flags on em?

Or maybe some flames?

Any suggestions? LOL

I cant eat that... BUT WHY!!!

The most hardest thing about this crazy ass goal... is the food intake...

Everyone who knows me, knows that I LOVE bacon...
Bacon is the ultimate awesomeness when it comes to a meal.
Bacon Cheeseburger?

Hell yeah

Bacon on a Pizza?


Bacon and EGGS!!!!!


Bacon can compliment anything, and day to day people make treats and explore its full potential...
from cupcakes and chocolates, to the usual savory meals.

Even though my bacon intake isnt a lot normally, but when i go out to eat... if something has bacon in it... i tend to go for it...


In all honesty, the diet has been a pain...
Temptation is everywhere, especially in the city of chicago. Food lovers paradise is here.... just walk around downtown for 20  minutes and you can find:
- Heaven on Seventh Cajun Food
- Tilted Kilt - good bar food
- Newly discovered Zacatacos - Damn good mexican food joint
- Perry's Sandwiches
and on and on and on....

Limitless choices... all having enormous portions and massive amounts of greasy goodness?

What can a food loving man can do?

Well the steps were... make lunches... still having cheese and meat, but leaner and healthier amounts of food. No exaggerating portions, and train my body to burn food frequently, get that metabolism going by eating many meals a day! 6-7 meals of controlled portions...

Once I continue to do that religiously! i still... STILLL!!!!! missed my usual diet...
Like a philly cheesesteak, brauts, fried chicken...... yummm.......

So what to do when that happens? When craving hits hard.... Should i go to white castle?LOL!!

Well in all honesty, i have the burger, i have the cheesesteak, the pizza or whatever, but the portion is A LOT smaller than what im used...
Its like getting a small does of drugs to keep me going till the craving hits again! LOL!!!

Keeping this trend up has lead me to drop a lot of weight.

All the way down to 154 pounds as of yesterday.

I didnt use pills, special drinks, or do the all twinkie diet, all mcdonalds diet, the non-carb diet, all beer and chilli diet, the all pork rinds diet, no hydrocut, i didnt poop away my fat, i didnt pee it away, i didnt have surgery or starve myself in a cave in the middle of kentucky for 4 months, or go on the biggest loser program!!!

I didnt read health books, or look for guides, or do anything unsual.
Just used some logic, will power and discpline...
It was hard, but in a matter of months all the pounds started to come off rather easily and noticebly.

If you guys want to try it?
Well I would be more than happy to share the plan on how to shed the pounds and have tasty alternatives to the normally greasy awesome foods.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Every Boxer has a nickname


Im going to need a good fighter nickname...

And!!! Brian "The Menacing Nerd" Rodriguez, isnt that cool... or intimidating.

Some luckily google has everything, yes not bing, but google, and I found a name generator:

Brian ''Tattoo'' Rodriguez
Brian ''Nightmare'' Rodriguez
Brian ''The Crocodile'' Rodriguez
Brian ''Smasher'' Rodriguez
Brian ''Big Bird'' Rodriguez

Brian ''Chocolate'' Rodriguez
Stewie Rodriguez
Brian ''Sicko'' Rodriguez
Brian ''The Grip'' Rodriguez
Brian ''The Puppet'' Rodriguez

Barracade Rodriguez
Brian ''The Terrorist'' Rodriguez
Yoda Rodriguez
Brian ''The Amateur'' Rodriguez
Brian ''Mr. Wrong'' Rodriguez

Gas Pipe Rodriguez
Brian ''The Drunk'' Rodriguez
Brian ''Purple Rain'' Rodriguez
Brian ''Sniffles'' Rodriguez
Brian ''Fish Sandwish'' Rodriguez

Brian ''Torch'' Rodriguez
Brian ''Ass'' Rodriguez
Brian ''The Artist'' Rodriguez
Jeopardy Rodriguez
Brian ''True Grit'' Rodriguez

Brian ''The Dolphin'' Rodriguez
Brian The Loser
Brian ''The Opponent'' Rodriguez
Brian ''Sniffles'' Rodriguez
Brian ''The Mean Event'' Rodriguez

Gas Pipe Rodriguez is pretty classy! lol or the "The Drunk"

The Geek

Here I am, in a golden colored cloth plastic wrapped couch.

All happy and goofy as always!

At that age, which i dont remember exactly the age... possible 3 maybe, I was already playing video games.
The magical atari system!!!!!
First video game system i ever played (and that huge console... fell on my head once... OUCH!!! its also how I discovered my hard head), From that moment back in the mid 80s, it was evident that video games were going to be in my life!

Who knew that it would motivate me to study computer science... I mean?
Geek at 3? is it possible?
My momma knew already, she knew that I was destined to become an educated man...
She always said, "Brian, I would have known if you were stupid... and you aint. So no excuses and finish your work."

Hence why she pushed me so damn hard toward my studies and be able to finish college.
She also knew that I wasnt the most athletic boys around, I mean... I was able to play sports, but I wasnt built like a football player or a basketball player, or a legitimate athlete...

Not being athletic wasn't the only problem...... I was always short for my age when growing up. It wasn't till the early highschool years that I actually had a growth spurt! Otherwise I was normally one of the short kids in class...
Even the girls surpassed my height!!!


Even as a pre-teen kid, didnt really look like a fighter or anything violent for that matter.
Just a happy skinny kid!

Very nice Tropical shirt huh?
I know, i should definitely wear that shirt now! Christmas gift anybody? LOL

As i got older... the skinny kid kinda got a little heavier... Not to much!
But definitely a little round.
I didnt care, you know why? Because cheese "empanadillas", "pastelillos" of whatever, and every fried food product in Puerto Rico is damn good.
Combined with a Sprite! YUM!!!

That was an empanadilla of seafood. had 3 of them in that sitting! hahahahah

To not go on tooooooo long!
I moved to chicago back in 2001 to get my computer science degree at depaul university...
and who would have known that the freshman 15 that people talk about, is actually freshman 30 in chicago!

Thank you Al's Beef and cheese fries... YUM!!!!

I graduated from depaul and continued to live in chicago, and ive done nothing but web related work since.
Ive been a Java developer, software engineer, education specialist in Java development, a technical writer, and web developer/front-end developer. Not the most active jobs in the world you know.

Peeked at a weight of 198-202 pounds never really stabilized, you know the water weight! LOL!

I thought sitting by a computer, typing away code was good enough workout to keep you fit. I mean
you burn calories right? That means I needed to get me some good energy to keep me going!
And a cheese burger seemed reasonable!

Now, this geek over a year ago.... DECIDED...
Lets practice boxing, I want to fight one day.  Why? Something in me decided to do it.... to prove to myself that this athletically challenged kid can accomplish it....
The more i thought of it, the more fire and drive i got....
Bought some gloves, started to do research on boxing spots, took boxing bootcamps.....

Slowly the itch to do a real fight was getting bigger and bigger.

My buddy Khoa was the first buddy to hear that i was ready to kick some ass.
For those who dont know khoa:

He is the guy giving the peace sign.

That man was all for it, but at the same time called me a fat ass! LOL!!!!!
Always told me as we were eating in the chinese buffet "You eat too greasy you know that"
Of course I agreed, because I love me some chinese food with them fried goodies (wontons and such!)

After hearing his ass call me a fatty quite often, i thought... hmm... fat fighters... dont do well in the ring...

I mean take a look:

Chubby man got a but whooping.

Then I decided to take matters a bit further.
And i went to jabb boxing, took their boxing bootcamp and almost died in the process....

Tried my best, but I wasn't in good enough shape to handle it.

So then came to me working out a little more to make it to that level....
Which thanks to my ma,
p90x came around.

For those of you who dont know this 50+ year old man that looks like this:

That is just messed up... man could do a crap load more than I could... and he is 50+

So after getting dizzy through his workout sessions, i went back to jabb boxing... but with 1-on-1 training and with a mission to fight.

I have been able to handle the training a lot better, lost of a lot of weight so far. Almost at the goal weight of 152 pounds. Soon I will be there and i will be ready to fight in March of 2011 for the Golden Gloves.

So there you go, a brief little history of myself.

There is one more thing that happened... BUT!
That will be the next blog... HEHEHHEH

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

1st Ever Post

Hello everybody,

This is my first blog entry on the goal of fighting in a real boxing fight. Something I have thought and talked about for a few years, now its time to actually do it. Im set to fight in March of 2011 in the Chicago Golden Gloves Tourney... From what I saw in 2010 event, I believe I can do well! Probably wont have my face look like ground beef after the fight!

With the aid of the Jabb Boxing Trainer - Ivan Popoca, and the support of my friends and my family; Im on pace to succeed and accomplish the goal.

This blog is simple. Im going to share my experiences, the trials, and successes throughout these next few months.

Topics such as weight concerns, the issues of physical exhaustion from the workouts, learning the strategies and timing of fighting, scheduling and whatever comes up throughout the entire journey.

Of course, we cant forget... the bloopers!
There are many and most likely a lot more will happen.

With lots of help from my friends and family I will be able to accomplish this goal and Hopefully win!!!