Sunday, December 12, 2010

JJ vs Brian- Sparring Session #1

Here we come, the first of many sparring sessions.

JJ's Skills and Stats:
Age: Unknown (It is a mystery, but the rumor is he was born around 1400)
Weight: 174lbs
Skilled at Muay Thai Fighting and some Boxing

We found for three rounds, not very furiously but still fun.
We will fight each other a lot more!!!! He is my official consistent sparring partner...
Scary isnt it? i mean he is 24 pounds heavier than me! Watch out for his right hand!! LOL!
He did get me with a nice shot toward the end, rattled my head a bit.

Overall, i think we both did ok.

Check it out:

JJ said the day after:
[12/6/10 11:06:10 AM] JJ Liwanag: my forehead is sore

Testament that jabbing a man to death works! No need for super power punches all the time, just a nicely timed consistent flow of jabbs to the face!

At this point, I've already sparred 3 more times!!! gotten much better as of lately.
JJ better watchout next time! ; )

Monday, December 6, 2010

Dates Released!

2011 Dates 

Boxer registration will be held at GORDON TECH on February 19, 20 and 21. 

The tournament will be contested from March 3-5, 10-12 and 17-19 with the Championship bouts on April 7, 8 and 9. 

More info coming after January 1, 2011. 

The information will be @
Chicago Golden Gloves Website

It's really happening folks!!
Its getting closer and closer! Going to train harder and harder!

What do you do? Part 3

The Heavy Bag Experience

You want power behind you punches?
You want some stamina to punch for 35 rounds and then fight 16 people like a Jet-li movie?

Well, here is the answer...

It will bust up your knuckles from time to time...
- Yes, my knuckles have bled
- Yes, my knuckles were tender at the beginning....

But you know what? I got used it. My knuckles have gotten harder, and my knuckles don't get scrapped as often no more.

This training improves:
 - Stamina: Trust me, this will definitely get your heart rate going and you will be sweating up a storm.
 - Power: My punches can definitely do some damage now. Will show later on in the sparring matches that I'm doing from time to time.
 - Coordination and Balance: This helps in making sure you keep your balance when punching, and that it is fluid and smooth. Practice makes perfect.
 - and finally, Boxing Technique

So what do I do with the bag?
Well I do 5 rounds of a few hundred punches a piece.
Mixes of combinations, simple jabs and crosses, and movement from time to time.

Take a look!!

Do this 3 times a week and you will become a beast. Well thats what Ivan P. has been saying.