Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Update on the Golden Glove Location and Ticket Pricing

Chicago Golden Gloves is now at GORDON TECH

Boxer registration will be held at GORDON TECH on February 19 and 20 from 9am - 2pm and February 21 from 5pm - 8:30pm.
Boxers must have a valid USA Boxing license. If you don't have one, you may buy one at registration for $45.
Coaches and ANYONE who plans to work a corner at the GG tourney MUST have a current Coaches license. The cost is $75 per license. You may purchase this at registration. (Do NOT show up at the tourney w/out a license because you're "only working 1 bout." YOU need a license!)

All 12 nights of Chicago Golden Gloves boxing will be contested at our NEW VENUE GORDON TECH. Please help spread the word.
The dates are as follows:
March 3, 4 and 5
March 10, 11 and 12
March 17, 18 and 19
Bouts begin nightly at 7:30 pm.
Tickets are $10 on March 3, 4, 5 and 10.
Tickets are $15 on March 11, 12, 17, 18 and 19.

The championships will be contested on April 7, 8 and 9 at GORDON TECH. Bouts begin nightly at 7:30 pm. Championship tickets are $20 General Admission, $35 Reserved Ringside and $50 VIP Ringside.

Please click on the "Ticket" tab on the left to purchase tickets on-line. Ordering tickets on-line in advance is recommended, especially for championship bouts. Until we sell out, tickets can be purchased at the door of GORDON TECH on event evenings beginning at 6 pm.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Head Gear Achieved!

No more nasty loaners for me!

Actually sparring head gear!!!
Still waiting on the gloves.. but with the snow in chicago... im afraid deliveries are slightly delayed.

Check out the snow:

Time to train in the snow right? run through it like Rocky and carry big logs of wood on my back!
Shovel for a few days... that should do it!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Another Sparring Session, but it wasn't agaisnt JJ

For the past month or so I have been training with the ultimate goofball trainer named Lalo.
He has been working me good with footwork, speed and movement.

Also, he has been working with the trash talking quite a bit as well!! He a funny guy!!!
Here are is a video of me sparring.

Apparently i can take a hit and have a little level on insanity.... Says Lalo! LOL!
I believe him, he is the trainer!

Nice huh?

In my mind, this is how it went

First part:
- Be aggresive... so i was.
- Breath, dammit BREATH!!! so i did...
- Oh crap im tired... arms and body feel slow... crap I'm getting hit.. this is annoying... MOVE DAMMIT!!
- You're tired... but PUNCH!!! PUNCH!!!!! MOVE AND MOVE SOME MORE!!!!

and DING
end.. 3 minutes complete.

On tuesday I have another sparring session, will record and post it on facebook as well.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

JJ vs Brian- Sparring Session #1

Here we come, the first of many sparring sessions.

JJ's Skills and Stats:
Age: Unknown (It is a mystery, but the rumor is he was born around 1400)
Weight: 174lbs
Skilled at Muay Thai Fighting and some Boxing

We found for three rounds, not very furiously but still fun.
We will fight each other a lot more!!!! He is my official consistent sparring partner...
Scary isnt it? i mean he is 24 pounds heavier than me! Watch out for his right hand!! LOL!
He did get me with a nice shot toward the end, rattled my head a bit.

Overall, i think we both did ok.

Check it out:

JJ said the day after:
[12/6/10 11:06:10 AM] JJ Liwanag: my forehead is sore

Testament that jabbing a man to death works! No need for super power punches all the time, just a nicely timed consistent flow of jabbs to the face!

At this point, I've already sparred 3 more times!!! gotten much better as of lately.
JJ better watchout next time! ; )

Monday, December 6, 2010

Dates Released!

2011 Dates 

Boxer registration will be held at GORDON TECH on February 19, 20 and 21. 

The tournament will be contested from March 3-5, 10-12 and 17-19 with the Championship bouts on April 7, 8 and 9. 

More info coming after January 1, 2011. 

The information will be @
Chicago Golden Gloves Website

It's really happening folks!!
Its getting closer and closer! Going to train harder and harder!

What do you do? Part 3

The Heavy Bag Experience

You want power behind you punches?
You want some stamina to punch for 35 rounds and then fight 16 people like a Jet-li movie?

Well, here is the answer...

It will bust up your knuckles from time to time...
- Yes, my knuckles have bled
- Yes, my knuckles were tender at the beginning....

But you know what? I got used it. My knuckles have gotten harder, and my knuckles don't get scrapped as often no more.

This training improves:
 - Stamina: Trust me, this will definitely get your heart rate going and you will be sweating up a storm.
 - Power: My punches can definitely do some damage now. Will show later on in the sparring matches that I'm doing from time to time.
 - Coordination and Balance: This helps in making sure you keep your balance when punching, and that it is fluid and smooth. Practice makes perfect.
 - and finally, Boxing Technique

So what do I do with the bag?
Well I do 5 rounds of a few hundred punches a piece.
Mixes of combinations, simple jabs and crosses, and movement from time to time.

Take a look!!

Do this 3 times a week and you will become a beast. Well thats what Ivan P. has been saying.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

All work and no play make people go crazy

During an intense research of the notorious latino monster called the CHUPACABRA the other day!
We encountered a video done by Mr. T, and a supplemental report done by CNN as icing on the cake to validate the TRUTH!!! of the chupacabra.

Listen carefully

Mr. T sang beautifully...

If by some crazy chance you dont believe that he isn't speaking the truth, well CNN can help you out:

That sealed it right there! Don't believe the educated man who studies animal life for a living, believe the lady who has a whole massive wall of animal heads as tropies... and dont forget she has the dead animal's head in the freezer of her house....

When im done boxing, I should take on the journey and be a chupacabra hunter....
That could be a lucrative career... dont you think?

I can't be all serious, all the time! Then it wouldn't be me!
