Friday, January 28, 2011

Another Sparring Session, but it wasn't agaisnt JJ

For the past month or so I have been training with the ultimate goofball trainer named Lalo.
He has been working me good with footwork, speed and movement.

Also, he has been working with the trash talking quite a bit as well!! He a funny guy!!!
Here are is a video of me sparring.

Apparently i can take a hit and have a little level on insanity.... Says Lalo! LOL!
I believe him, he is the trainer!

Nice huh?

In my mind, this is how it went

First part:
- Be aggresive... so i was.
- Breath, dammit BREATH!!! so i did...
- Oh crap im tired... arms and body feel slow... crap I'm getting hit.. this is annoying... MOVE DAMMIT!!
- You're tired... but PUNCH!!! PUNCH!!!!! MOVE AND MOVE SOME MORE!!!!

and DING
end.. 3 minutes complete.

On tuesday I have another sparring session, will record and post it on facebook as well.